The Kolmogorov project
Distance between probability measures is a fascinating topic. Learn how to estimate them with the Stein method.
LEARN MOREStochastic geometry
Point processes are the key ingredients to the modeling of wireless telecommunications systems.
LEARN MORETopological algebra
I discovered topological algebra and its tremendous power only a few years ago. Since then, we developped a series of applications of this abstract theory to wireless systems.
LEARN MORERandom graphs and beyond
Random graphs are a very well investigated field in probability theory. I sometimes contribute to the overall entropy.
LEARN MOREMalliavin calculus
During my ealier years as a PhD student, I had the great opportunity to learn this subject. It still irrigates most of my current line of work.
LEARN MOREMy Python experience
In my teaching activities and in my research, I’m more and more relying on Python and sometimes on SAGE.